
Who? Trump or Kanye..?

Good luck with the creative endeavor. It’s a brave thing to flex one’s creative muscles publicly.

Our rescue, who adopted us, is helping us find the puzzle edges.

I think it’s pretty likely that he’ll struggle some more. Getting over loss tends to be a roller coaster, rather than a linear uphill journey. And in early grief, you generally tend to get lots of support and compassion from family, friends, your workplace, etc. making the first days and weeks more bearable. The grief

Awww; Bruce looks so comfy in his new home! And every time I see George, I tear up because he looks so much like my sweet Milo.

Cheers to that.

Shelter Cat Update!

Can’t wait for this trainwreck of a year to be over.

While comparing brown to Kaepernick is apples and oranges in some ways the fact that another accused rapist will get another shot before a guy who broke no rule or law is problematic. It does not matter if he plays this season or not.  You can insert whatever problematic name you like but the point remains the same

Same thing as most days. Some protein powder, berries, fresh turmeric and ginger, all blended up with a bit of coconut milk and regular milk. My wife’s doc has her on a low carb diet, and I’m riding along. The ginger and turmeric really do help with the inflammation. Or so I keep telling myself. And if you add black

The shoes....the drab clothing that all looks similar.....the church services.....its all screaming cult leader.

It’s easy to see why Kanye luvs him some Trump. Game recognizes game. This is the new golden age of grift

I thought exactly the same way. Prison yard on Casual Friday

The mere fact that he is still getting offers when he’s a certified clown instructor of the 33rd degree, shooting videos with half naked women in the midst of multiple sexual assault investigations, after a summer of his version of Shakespeare in the Park affectionately renamed Fuccboi Take the Field isn’t enough for

Context is everything.

Dude shoved a ballet slipper inside a gray sock, glued a thin sole to it, and called it a day. Those shoes look like they would blast apart into their constituent fibers after 100 steps.

So, expensive, ugly *and* uncomfortable?

Having to get a real job and live off his wages

Shelter Cat Update!