I really hope that Moscow Mitch is struck with a long, debilitating and painful disease that ends in a horrible death.
I really hope that Moscow Mitch is struck with a long, debilitating and painful disease that ends in a horrible death.
The simple answer:
Barbara Ehrenreich is the only writer I’ve seen cover this at all, in Nickle and Dimed. She points out that most working class/low wage job people literally need the stimulation of nicotine to not pass out during their 18 hour workdays, and their cigarette breaks are the only time in their day that belongs to them.
I’m amazed this is a thing. How much does inpatient fat cat rehabilitation cost?
If Trump sits for a deposition he will absolutely perjure himself. Could this be a repeat of the Bill Clinton impeachment in which a president is impeached for perjury? That would be ironic, wouldn’t it?
And this is an instant hallmark classic (the”Google Translates Korean into English” series): “Everything about me is revealed and known to you”.
Darling... Your passionate analytics and seamless integration of sustainability and storytelling help me to downsize my enterprise. The knowledge you bring of offshoring opportunities, data mining collaboration and scalability pushes me to think outside of the box.
What’s the cut off for something being classic rock versus old shit that’s still pretty good? Like, we’re still allowed to listen to Lou Reed and Nick Cave without being a dork right?
If we’re going to be including all these 80s bands as classic rock, then by all accounts Huey Lewis and the News deserves to be like, 37 on this list.
I made it as far as No. 2 on this list.
I know you guys are not allowed to utter the name of Splinter in public, so this astonishingly bad and misinformed list is the best covert tribute you could give them.
Yeah, they’re classic punk, which I don’t really Include with classic rock. Ramones, Pistols, Clash, DK, Misfits, Buzzcocks, X, Damned, Black Flag, Cock Sparrer, Sham 69, Stiff Little Fingers, etc.
oh yeah, Heart is wayyy better than Zeppelin
Oh, I forgot to mention. Jimmie Page looks so cool.
This list is hilarious. I mean Fleetwood Mac? Really?
This list is a fucking disaster. Please don’t tell me that your new corporate overlords asked for this list to generate clicks.
i just saw a Reuters headline that Lori and 11 other parents have been hit with additional charges - bribery. Attempting to bribe school officials to guarantee a spot for their kids. Could mean additional jail time. poor thing (snarkety snark).
If you cannot remember the name of a girl between the ages of 10 and 20, just call her Isabella and you’ll most likely be correct.
Group cunt punt.
More than likely...