
To maintain proficiency: I use my issued sidearm (law enforcement) at the range weekly if not daily. I have an issued rifle, but it does not leave the armory after shift (it is not a ‘take home’ weapon). That one, I will only fire 4 times a year during qualifications ( unless something goes very very wrong). Likewise,

Quick fun point before I go into my rant: 69% of Americans do not own a firearm, despite there easily being 50-60 million MORE firearms in the country than there are actual people living in it.

Please cite all the gizmodo content featuring ‘orange man bad’. I think you’re confusing it with the slot, or splinter, or something else.

I dunno, man. Seems like, with the current pack of fuckwits in charge, we ALL only have about a 9-10 year life expectancy. So, why not go out in glory for our new liege?

Every day I grow closer to being a conspiracy theorist. 

Pitaro was hoisted by his own Le Batard.

As they say in Belfast…

Twas a bad day to be orange. 

Look at you, with your “empirical facts” and “evidence based” comments. What are you, a communist?

You-know-who ‘Iran was violating the 150 Billion Dollar (plus 1.8 Billion Dollar in CASH) Nuclear Deal with the United States, and others who paid NOTHING, long before I became President’

Why are you so eager to justify the death of children?

“I’m not denying the reality”

What a seething load that was to read. Stop commenting immediately.

Your analogy is idiotic, to say the least. But I’m not surprised that you’d compare people in cages being fed rotten food to someone visiting a concert or drinking too much. That’s the kind of shit that Fox News is spewing on a daily basis.

This is totally disingenuous. There’s no arguing that the media isn’t biased. That’s a fact. Whether it’s Fox, Breitbart, or CNN, it’s all biased. But the fact is, you should be outraged at Trump because of what’s happening right now. And if the facts bore out that similar outrages were carried out under Obama, you

Out of curiosity, where did you find that “Built by Trump in 2017" graphic? It would be useful to know where this kind of disinformation is getting published and how it’s spreading online.

Again, six kids have died in U.S. custody in the past year. Zero migrant children died in U.S. custody in the ten years before that. No one is arguing that the asylum process was humane under Obama. But we went from inhumane to deadly in two years.

The second to last paragraph in my article addresses your argument.

So they are using crisis actors.  How interesting. 

It’s expensive, no one takes it, and it doesn’t cover anything. Love to be a freelancer.