
Came out one morning to find a whole crew of ducklings in my pool for their first water training. Problem was the water level was a little low, and they couldn’t follow mom out.

I met him in the early days of Tesla at an owners meeting and talked with him for around a half hour.

God how I wish they’d go on a loooooong strike...

Feel bad for Zetterberg that his golden years of Captaincy is linked to this Holland sinking ship...

I wish that bed would fall into a 1000ft sinkhole padded by broken glass at the bottom...

I didn’t want to believe this was real, but it’s Stapp, so of course it is...

I’m sure Hacksaw Hamilton is just sitting on the bench, waiting for a nod...

Poor thing, people are jerks.

Kyrgios is such a punkbitch...

I can’t stand Fissure...

I wish Sissypas would have launched off the chUMP chair and came down with a People’s Elbow on that scrawny russkie.

No, delete facebook...

He should have back-pedaled in, giving the world the finger...

He should have back-pedaled in, giving the world the finger...

This post is exactly why I love to throw Frisco around when I’m in Frisco...

I wish they’d go back to Laguna Seca


I hope the NBA goes the way of Toys R Us...

J-dubs are weird...
