
This isn’t the DCEU problem- the problem is Batman. First of all, Batman’s (lack of) powers just don’t fit into a modern cinematic universe. The degree of “realism” that fans want won’t really allow him to factor into the fights- not against enemies that require Superman or Wonder Woman. Sure, Black Widow and Hawkeye

To be fair, while this can definitely be made out to be tone deaf- and while it may be, to some degree- this language is very normal. Obama’s 2013 State of the Union called children “our most precious resource” as he began discussing Sandy Hook.

I think the idea that net neutrality will be any type of significant force at the poll booth is crazy. Thinking it requires both a lack of knowledge about politics and a mindset isolated inside the tech/internet thought bubble. And a big part of the problem is taking the poll results (4/5 opposed to the FCC action) as

Overall I think this is a good discussion of the present moment in PR- particularly the focus on the local efforts and leaders in comparison to the complete lack of leadership coming from Trump. And, obviously, his open callousness and tone-deaf budget discussions reveal his personal biases on the issue.

However, it’s

Big theater chains do $5 discount days on Tuesdays (at least they do in both Pittsburgh and Nashville, where I’ve lived). My Cinemark in Pittsburgh also does Sunday mornings for $6. I think their normal matinee price is $7.50

I was greeted with this insane “most referenced” link in Google news’ coverage of the story as well.

If anyone is looking for easy ways to do something like this- in our showing, my brother changed his Apple/Airdrop profile to Pennywise with a profile picture of him, and started airdropping creepy pictures to any of the iphones nearby who were set to accept any/all airdrops

I actually find it hard/impossible to believe that the actors were demanding a shortened season. Two reasons- first, they get paid on a per episode basis, so their pay this year worked out to less than it could have been (although they are all in every episode, which they haven’t been in the past, but whatever).