
*Ssangyong Rodius has joined the conversation*

My neighbor says she never gets bored of her Land Rover since she gets to drive a different loaner every few weeks.

Any coal-rolling diesel. The official car of the guy who threatens their neighbors with their assault and battery record because they got reported for blasting Toby Keith at 3AM.

When I bought my pickup truck and was showing it off to my friend he walked up to me, hugged me and said "I'm so sorry about your penis"

My 87 Topaz. Bumper sticker as follows:

I own a British car and an Italian motorcycle.

Mine is a roast fail;

How can the Aztek be the ugliest car in a world where the Malibu Maxx was made?

I remain convinced nobody knows who I am. At the last Jalopnik Le Mans event a reader tried to argue with me that I was David Tracy, with the Jeeps. I guess he thought I was joking when I said I wasn’t, which was weird, because David isn’t funny. 

Fun fact that many of Jalopnik’s more urban dwelling readers may not know: Many tractors, floaters (spreaders), and sprayers are level 3 autonomous once they’re in the field.
It starts with planting. You enter parameters for the field and the tractor drives itself (about 99%) and pulls the planter. Then the file goes

So is this a suicide attempt then? Really lucky the kid and no bystanders were seriously hurt.

This seems like a suicide/murder attempt. I hope she loses custody before she gets another shot at it.

It’s practically the same thing!

I’d rather own no car than own an Alfa? ©

I enjoyed this 2 episode detour. I’m not desperate for it to jump around the galaxy like clone wars but more short arcs seem like a no brainer.

I very much am enjoying the history presentation and also like seeing the parallels to today.

Luxury cruiser that won’t depreciate = luxury cruiser whose depreciation is already done.


Same here- that design choice really bugs me. 

Looks nice, but man do I hate the touch-screen-that-looks-like-a-tablet-mashed-into-the-counsel look.  Obviously it’s not just Jeep...seems like every carmaker is doing this.  Please integrate your screens into the counsel.