
Here’s what I found just on ebay. Any of these would be a head-turner; fun to drive; and mostly immune to depreciation:

Rory was close, but I’d go older with an R107 Mercedes SL. For $25K you should be able to find a well sorted one that will be reliable for at least a year. And prices on these are on the upswing, so you may be able to sell it for profit.

Man, these are some boring convertibles. She should get a Boxster or a 996 Cabriolet.  

This car is pointed squarely at me.

I have an X5 diesel and manage to get 32 mpg+ on the highway and mid 20's around town unless I really push the car and usually average close to 30 mpg on a tank of mixed driving.”

Gas taxes should be higher. Like, much higher.

There is NO RELATIONSHIP WHATSOEVER between infrastructure and the gas tax. It is one of the great myths of american politics.

It's less to do with not having a charger or the hassle of plugging in. Phevs qualify for a lower benefit in kind rate when used as a company car, so lots of execs choose them. Those execs also have a fuel card paid for by the employer. If they charge at home they have the added hassle of keeping a record of amount of

Whatever, man. My PHEV uses next to zero gas, and i rarely forget to plug it in. It drives great, and i can take it on long trips. Pretty compelling value proposition for me and for the hippies too, whether they choose to admit it or not. Looks like we will just have to keep hearing them complain anyway.

This goes back to “Complex vs. Complicated” engineering and environments. The natural living world is complex. If a tree falls, a complex ecosystem begins to turn the tree into soil, with mites, aphids, termites and different types of fungus eating the once-mighty tree. Complex environments are designed to adapt,


Is everything okay over there?

10. SAE Announces New Level 6 Of Autonomy, Where The Sentient Car No Longer Gives A Shit About Driving Your Stupid Ass Anywhere

Hey, can we just talk about a design cue that they did really fucking well that other bastions of high fashion car design can’t even grasp?

if a 550 horsepower Kia can be had affordably, I might as well start cousin-fuckin’.”

Why wait for Kia to give you the green light? Go for it my dude!!!

The difference a well placed piece of metal can make.

In 2010, if you would have told me that I’d be lusting after a 500+ horsepower Kia crossover that could do 0-60 in 3.5 seconds, I’d have sooner told you I was likely to fornicate with a blood relative.

No. The idea behind the C8 is that it’s a value. It’s the same way I feel about crypto-bros hoarding all the good GPU’s right now. Or the people buying up all the PS5's just to stick them on eBay.

The mRNA vaccine technique was pioneered by the US government’s NIH back in 2013. Moderna partnered with NIH to bring this technology to market in 2017: