
Gotta transport the hookers somehow.

Your last point is the best and would be awesome to watch.

Now playing

What about this classic scene from Commando?

(Some) people are shit.

Which tranny? PDK?

Is that kid flipping off the cop?

Maybe he’s from Zimbabwe?

Lamborghini pays you to buy the car.

Thanks Torch. I was thinking of going back to Facebook after a three year hiatus but now I’m definitely staying away. Those people are nuts.

Is that a Lexus SC? Aka The Worst Car in the World?

Could also call it the YouTube setting.

I think I saw your Porsche parked on 12th street a couple of weeks ago. Unless there’s another brown 944 (924?) with a Jalopnik sticker in NYC.

Do they have anything bigger than a 737?

Because Archer.

Been to lots of sports bars in NYC. I gotta ask which one you’re referring to?

I haz it.

Damn, tree’d.