
This is all about conflicting rights. Yes, Colin can protest. But so can other people protest his protest. Furthermore business owners such as the black owned Charlotte Hornets have the right to make money. You Bet Mr. Jordan Will Not Hire Someone Which Will Decrease Gate sales. Colin Showed Poor Judgement in Two Ways

See mark

Some points...1. Much of this happened when he was young. You !earn and mellow with age. 2. Voters want results and lower taxes and balanced budgets is his thing. 3. That iphone. Do you like it? Steve jobs was the biggest asshole on the planet. Hand as down. But if you are not an apple employee who cares. 4. It is the

Pettine is not playing manziel&bowe and others to spite farmer for not picking players he likes. Pettine wants a ball control game manager not a duel threat qb like wilson or newton