You never really get a good night’s sleep in jail. In the middle of my second night inside, I woke up on the…
You never really get a good night’s sleep in jail. In the middle of my second night inside, I woke up on the…
A month before I turned 21, I returned home from the Bay Area, where I was attending college, to celebrate…
if you folks think this is socialism, i highly recommend revisiting your high school civics curriculum.
We've talked about the benefits of journaling in the past, but a recent study shows that 15 minutes of reflection at…
As a person of color, fuck off. You basically implied that people of color are incapable of "making it" when technology progresses. What, are non-whites too dumb to keep up?
It turns out that choking traffic from London to Berlin isn't the best way to get your message across to customers –…
A vegans and runners are already righteous douches, what happens when their powers combine?
And this is exactly why we need to keep manufacturing jobs in the US.
When WWII started aviation experts were convinced no one could mass-produce the big, destructive B-24 Liberator…
"That said, a spiritual successor to the MGB is neither imminent nor a foregone conclusion."
They're so bog-simple there isn't all that much to go wrong, and if it does they're so easy to work on jobs tend to take half the time they would normally.
Remember when you were a little kid, and how happy your racecar bed made you? Sure you do. Why should you have to…
I'd love to refute this, really I would. I mean let me just tell you a little about the 7 Alfa's I've owned or the 4 Fiats me and my Family have owned and how we.....
Jaguar Heritage Racing entered four cars into the four-day, 1,000-mile endurance rally known as the Mille Miglia.…
Whereas the '69 Alfa Romeo Spider was the first mass produced car to run on pure sex!
All hail the first, the best, the most enduring car hack of all time.
I won't vouch for fivefingers as ive never worn a pair, nor will I vouch for "born to run" as ive never read it, but I do study animals and anatomy...and I can tell you that the idea that humans were designed to wear 1 inch padding on their feet and run with their heel striking first is completely and utterly ignorant…
If you believed the internet, you'd think there's huge debate over whether eggs, coffee, or salt are good or bad for…
I see you're wearing a vest without a jacket. I'll order one of your artisan grilled cheese sandwiches with carne asada please.