
Finally I can leave my kids in the back with the windows rolled up and doors locked without some snarky white knight coming and breaking my window for the fourth time.

The people buying 100 at a time might be. Or at least they should be.

Maybe not individuals, but if a company is looking to run a fleet as work trucks, a small difference in fuel economy can make a big difference in the profitability of the company.

I don’t think anyone buying these behemoths are all that concerned about fuel economy.

As if I needed another reason to consider my Poli Sci degree a complete fucking waste of time.

Waiting for the day I can just download file and 3d print this....

Dat leaf spring!

In twenty years, I’m going to absolutely kill at the “Jalopnik Edition” of Trivial Pursuit. That will totally make up for the time I spend reading this stuff.

Here, too, the question is who would want to pay the millions of dollars to raise the tracks a couple of feet? To accomplish this, the grade of the tracks would have to changed on both sides of the trestle, probably for several miles. That would require rebuilding all trestles in Durham. And NS would have to shut down

City Council meeting minutes:

It says here you were in jail for 4 years. What happened?

That Yeti looks like a Chinese rip-off of a Subaru Forester.

Seems like VW wants to find a way to sell VWs under a different name to avoid the current hate.