Every David Cage game is an experience, from the eerie Indigo Prophecy to the twisted murder mystery of Heavy Rain…
Every David Cage game is an experience, from the eerie Indigo Prophecy to the twisted murder mystery of Heavy Rain…
really does explain a lot
HK-47 would be proud.
Finding the motivation to crawl out of bed to face work, school, or even sunlight is hard enough. But imagine the…
If their restraints were too tight they couldn't get the funk out.
I mean, the killjoy answer is because it's a visual shorthand for 'Space battles are happening and humans are being injured the DRAMA!' but let's be honest: Starfleet's safety record is horrible in literally every way. Anything vaguely anamolous event threatens key systems at the drop of the hat, the ship holodeck…
Maybe not the most beautiful, but definitely one of the most memorable.
I've been working at Kotaku for nearly eight years now, and while I've seen some online kerfuffles over various…
Now that Steam Machines have established all one needs to play computer games via Steam is a small box, a controller…
The only reason my computer would weep is because of the ending. Hey-oh!
The Falcon will be safe, thanks to the power of MERCHANDISING.
During Gearbox Software's PAX East 2014 panel this morning, fans got a quick peek at the incredibly limited starship…
Physicists working at the Large Hadron Collider have spotted a long sought-after exotic particle that's the…
Just remember that they made Battlestar Galactica and Eureka. Just keep repeating it your head. Ignore Sharknado.
Time to stop living in the past and upgrade to glorious Windows 8!
Italian magician (and I'm guessing comedian) Milleaccendini says this is a "world record". It's also allegedly for…