
Wow, you sure have it all figured out, huh?

I contract to DOE and do NNSA specific IT work. For what it’s worth (likely little here) the heads of NNSA don’t really do much besides oversee the operation and attend functions. Like all agencies the key to keeping it running smoothly are the rank and file as well as first line management.

People, including the author, are blowing things way out of proportion. The professionals who work at the NNSA will continue to perform their jobs in a highly professional manner.

I am going to go out on a limb here and assume no one here truly knows what this department actually does. One of its various responsibilities is to manage and maintain the effectiveness of the U.S. Nuclear Arsenal. The other is to do R&D and provide information for U.S. nuclear policy.

“...we’re so very very fucked”... out of our cushy guaranteed government jobs, he added in his mind. Look, I’ve worked at one of these behemoth agencies, and canning every bureaucrat in the building wouldn’t degrade our nuclear arsenel one bit. I get it, you need to drive traffic, but the hyperbole is a bit