
tits and generic soda.

“Now we’re just talking about optics instead of actual football.”

Yes, but there’s nothing sadder than watching an Oldhoe tryin to get her kicks

If the crowd was split between LA and Miami fans, then they should be thankful that anyone was in their seats by the time the 2nd quarter started.

The Chargers are a good team with an offense that’s fun to watch.

He could have just said: I lack self control, value of others, and I’m always on the chase for some high because ultimately, I am seeking love and validation.

It just happened, you know? He slipped and his dick landed in another woman. I mean, how can you avoid something like that? It was bound to happen.

put myself in an environment where only bad things can happen and they did

Yeah I mean why just why would she marry someone who is worth millions of dollars there’s just no rhyme or reason to it!

I guess mother was wrong, sometimes the trash DO take itself out.

Why does he always act like he tripped and fell and, whoops, his dick slid into someone on the way down?

My friend’s hubby has cheated on her. I said this to her: ‘I know it’s cliche but this is the best thing that could have ever happened to you. Grieve, be hurt and get angry. Then sit back and laugh. Because now, we (me, you, his friends and family) get to watch two lying, cheating pieces of shit ride off into the

Fish monster love story? The long awaited Troy McClure biopic?

I thought Noah was great, actually, but rather than engaging with “Christian” themes, it was Aronofsky at his decidedly most Jewish. I appreciated the fact that he actually took Noah seriously, as a kind of “failed prophet”, and integrated some of the Bible’s more unsettling esoteric elements that the

So soon? It’s been nearly a decade since the last Hellboy movie was made.

Though controversial at the time, I still contend that Werner Herzog’s entry in the series, the Futility and Furiousity of Fastness, is the high point of the series. Better even than Fast 5. All those long, sweeping shots of empty cars being consumed by nature. That scene where he made Vin Diesel and Paul Walker

Are there any non-awful characters in the franchise?

Personally I am shocked that a movie studio would be so craven as to take two popular movie characters from a billion dollar a movie franchise and try to make a few paltry hundred million on the side. No other movie studio in the world dare try to monetize a franchise in this manner. What is this world coming to.

Sort-of hot take: the languid pace of the original Blade Runner let the viewer drink in its environment, its most memorable element. The relative ease of CG lessens the tendency for the modern filmmaker to show off details, especially if it’s at the expense of what is deemed necessary for modern movie pacing.

I think Drive Angry and Machete are both equally enjoyable, but I do agree that Drive Angry is a much more “in on the joke” movie than Machete. However, if you were put me on a desert island and force me to choose one of those to bring, I’m going with Machete.