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    The wheels don’t appear to be mismatched, but those might have been the directional wheels made for a few years when they were first figuring out how to keep the brakes cooled. (The Corvette and the Mk III Supra both did this trick) - it meant that tire rotation was a bizarre effort.

    Oddly enough, I actually liked the Panamera. I get why a lot of people don’t, but I’ve seen several and in person they look quite good ... just a little odd for Porsche.

    Fun Fact: The ZDX is based on the Pilot platform, not the Accord.

    That’s not unusual for cars these days - there’s a certain hood slope needed for aerodynamic reasons - I can’t see the front corners of my CRV ... or really any car I’ve owned since 1990 with the exception of a Ford Ranger - which was literally designed like 3 boxes stacked together. 

    I can’t criticize the nomination of the CrossTour - it is very much an odd duck vehicle. It’s large, and the shape of it means that there are enormous blind spots around the rear quarters. This is a car that desperately needed some kind of blindspot sensing system - whether that is a camera, or the radar systems we

    Neat old car - the lines sit somewhere between the Toyota 2000 and the 1st gen Mazda Cosmo. Nice looking.

    The Piaggio Ape has been reborn ... and it’s still going to suck come winter.

    There are a ton of motorcycle swaps that would work quite well - and they’d all be bananas.  I was actually musing about dropping a Harley v-twin in ... mostly because watching it idle would be hilarious. 

    Talk about an excellent example of “why did you build this?”

    I have such mixed feelings about this one. On one hand it isn’t obviously beaten to crap - it’s in decent shape visually and hasn’t been obviously neglected.

    Not my cuppa, but I’ll put good odds that someone will pay $2500 for it.  It looks like a collection of parts and corrosion in close orbit of each other.

    I’ve seen real estate developers run similar scams through their books. It can take years to untangle the resulting mess and figure out who is really owed what.

    On the other hand, you’re basically pouring a bottle of liquid sugar into the gas tank ... so eventually it will save you gas because your car isn’t going anywhere for quite a while afterwards.

    $8K large for a relatively obscure Toyota?

    The 6th generation Honda Civic HB Si (or the SiR in Canada) stuck the shifter in a similar position. (Did a better job of the ergonomics, but still).

    The price doesn’t put me off particularly. It’s an old Alfa Romeo, in decent shape ... save for the doors (yikes!). Rust? Well - to be expected at that age.

    Libertarian thinking at it’s finest:

    $3100 - yeah - that’s basically mad money for one of the few minivans I’ve ever liked well enough to consider owning.

    $10K for a ‘92 Passat?

    Ford in North America was very slow to figure out what made a decent 4 cylinder, FWD car. The Escort here didn’t turn into something serviceable until they teamed up with Mazda, and the Tempo/Topaz were hideously awful cars from front to back.  I was glad to see them replaced by the Mondeo platform cars - even if