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    $8K for a nearly 40 year old pickup truck?

    NP ... sort of ...

    The head gaskets on the Ford 1.9l engines were notoriously weak - they usually started leaking at 3-4 years in, and after that failure was a matter of time.

    Reluctant NP.

    This is an enormous error on Tesla’s part. Yes, it might save a few $ on some hardware, but in doing so they make the first mistake in automation design: removing redundancy. I don’t care how many cameras you put in place, when you drive anywhere that has actual winter, and the inevitable slush/mud season between

    Considering the absolute top speed of those things was only about 120 km/h, anything over 100 km/h was getting dodgy. 

    To be clear, there are some significant jurisdictional topics at play with this situation, and unfortunately some apparent partisan game playing going on as well.

    While it does not explicitly enshrine property rights, it would be very difficult for the state to do so on such an arbitrary basis. All someone would have to do is point to S7 and S8 of the Charter. The state still has to demonstrate that it is acting reasonably within the principles of fundamental justice.

    The EMA does not suspend due process. People who are arrested still have a right to a fair trial (which will likely take place after the emergency situation itself has been resolved).

    I agree - however, the government is reluctant to deploy the military “against the people of Canada” for a variety of reasons (including the political consideration of the attack ads that would be made from the resulting videos)

    This is incorrect. The city has no standing to appeal directly to the Federal Government in such matters. This is largely because the civic government exists at the pleasure of the province, and its powers are solely those delegated by the provincial government.

    “Is this terribly different?” - Yes, it is.

    The War Measures Act was repealed in 1985, and replaced with the Emergency Measures Act, and it’s quite different. (That said, there is considerable argument that the Federal Government could invoke it under the Civil Order clauses).

    Well - that’s kind of cool!

    Depends heavily on where it is, and what application it’s put to.

    As Ferraris go, it’s not bad, but for me it lacks the daring passion of design that made the 308/328s so appealing. Those cars looked like the designer’s hands caressed every curve and fold carefully.

    I don’t think this car is “ugly” per se - it was never my favourite, but it wasn’t awful either (Ferrari’s descent into awful started in the 90s with a series of designs I can only call ‘soulless’.) 

    The 380 convertible is one of my favourite MB cars. I’ve always liked them for their look - it’s another one of those “whoever designed it got all the lines right” cars. It doesn’t look heavy, everything is in proportion, etc.

    This shit is why you _NEVER_ give police unrestricted authority to do anything. Everything _HAS_ to be subject to scrutiny, and overreach (including over-enforcement) needs to be brought to a screeching halt.

    So many exceptions to that “rule” as to make it a non-rule: