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    I would add to this a 1st generation Mazda 3 - especially the hatchback. Cheap, reasonably lightweight, FWD (not AWD), lots with 5 speeds. Slap a decent set of winter tires on them, and unless your commute has you dragging through mountain passes, you’ve got a decent commuter with adequate space and there’s so many

    Basically what I’m hearing here is a bunch of dudes trying to make themselves sound “bigger and tougher” than they really are.

    $3500? That’s getting into “well, burn it anyways” money.

    I’ll take false equivalencies for $500, Alex.

    Why ... why do people keep slapping in these huge-ass touch screen devices into cars? FFS - it’s a giant source of light and motion that will draw your eyes to it, and your attention off the road when you are driving.

    Odd - trikes have long been a part of motorcycle culture, and Harley Davidson sells several models, so they aren’t just some guy tinkering in his back yard ...

    *Sigh* Clearly doesn’t understand the vehicle, or where he is.

    $18K? Nope.

    Signal of a recession? perhaps not.

    That was precisely why they made the “convertible” for the James Bond movie “You Only Live Twice”.  Sean Connery couldn’t fit into the original ... 

    There have already been attempts to make fully submersible craft by the smugglers - I expect that in another few years (once the USCGS figures out how to identify the semi-submersibles from drone / satellite imagery), you’ll see the effort pivot to full submersible vessels.

    Buy it, and drive it till it drops. That said - it may not be very long until something major goes - this is a 20 year old vehicle now. There used to be a ton of these on the road, the few that are left are either clapped out and rusting, or they’re some retiree’s grocery getter.

    Is it a NP? Maybe for one of these things - there’s no way I’m ever spending that kind of cash on a car.

    The Urus is far more power than most inexperienced drivers are capable of managing. A Suburban, or an F150, simply doesn’t get up to those kinds of speeds anywhere near as quickly - nor do they handle those kinds of speeds the way a car like the Urus is expected to - the Urus isn’t a “family hauler” by any means. 

    It’s functional by the late teens, not mature until mid-20s based on literature I’ve read recently.  17 is still too young, IMO. 

    No question about that - there are a myriad of problems in the administration of justice that are not reflected in the way laws are written. 

    What I find interesting in this case is the difference between the concepts of “justice” and “revenge”, as played out in the positions taken by the victim’s family.

    $32k seems an awful lot to spend on a moderately high mileage Yaris.

    It’s truly the downside of some of the newer muscle cars - mind bending power comes with equally wallet emptying maintenance costs. As much as I like today’s cars, part of me still prefers the days of carburetors and points where you had a reasonable chance of being able to fix a good chunk of problems yourself.

    The cost is in the labour to get at the plugs. A quick look around a few Dodge forum sites shows dealers charging ~$500 for spark plug changes on these engines, and those who have wrenched it at home warning people to be careful, and plan on spending 3-4 hours doing it.  Plugs are cheap, accessing them isn’t.