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    It’s a step in the right direction for Ford.

    Side glance at the 1971 Ford Mustang Mach 1 ... blind spots, you say? 

    The XJS is plain and simple one of my favourite Jaguars. Yes, I know full well that the V12 in these things is notorious for spewing vital fluids all over the engine compartment, but if I had the time and inclination, I’d still buy one in a heartbeat.

    a) Why in hell is 85 still being made at all in the US? I haven’t seen 85 in Canada since sometime in the early 90s.  Seriously - outside of collectors and guys like Dave Tracy, who the hell has a carbureted car now? 

    The rate of miniaturization will pick up for cars, but it’s going to take time. I wondered if an automaker acquiring and vertically integrating a fab into its pipeline might present one way for carmakers to prioritize production of the silicon they require. If automakers need these chips that semiconductor companies

    I’ve always assumed the tools and luggage thing was a hangover from the early days of motoring, where it would have been less surprising with any car to find oneself stuck at roadside in the middle of nowhere having to do repairs.

    The fact that he was driving around with a box of spares in the back is a warning all by itself. 

    The EXP was at least available with a somewhat more interesting powertrain than its Escort siblings. 

    Uhm ... Honda knew how to build a small engine and gearbox ... the Escort was Ford telling the world it couldn’t be bothered to learn.

    No matter how mint it might be, it’s still a 1st generation Escort. It turns heads only because other drivers will be looking, and going either:

    Anybody else notice that the wheels on the Volvo came off a Thunderbird? 

    ND - $23K if it was factory original? Perhaps.

    Still a hard ND for me.

    Pretty much anything made by VAG. There’s some great cars in that stable, but I can’t get past the propensity for overly-complicated designs and insanely high costs of repair (parts and labour).

    A couple of thoughs:

    It’s not that hard.  I’m a non-ambidextrous lefty, and I have no problem operating a shifter with my right hand in NA cars. The dexterity involved isn’t a big deal. 

    Nicely Done ... and if this car is your thing, maybe it’s worth the $$$ the seller is asking.

    Since it’s a $900 crap can, how about doing something utterly ridiculous to it:

    1st Gear: A quick glance, it looks like while the NTSB can comment on such matters, it lacks the authority to actually implement regulations per se - it can only make recommendations.

    Price ... meh