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    That’s a thing?  Wow. 

    Possibly because there’s uncertainty attached to the position - which really shouldn’t come as a big surprise when there’s a pandemic.  

    Along with “condo associations”, HOAs are really prone to “small man syndrome”. Inevitably after some period of time, the board becomes dominated by some bunch of zealots hell-bent on enforcing “the rules” with no room for exception because they have to make real some ideal that they have in their heads. (and the

    You missed the part which said that she has to return to normal work rotation the following week. 

    Once they are under a quarantine order, they _CAN’T_ go out and retrieve the goddamn trailer - catch-22 much?

    Yugo, combined with “somebody else’s project” ... CP

    Only one thing comes to mind when I watch this:

    So, what is this telling us?


    $25K?  For an LX?  Nope. 

    It’s not an irrelevant term here.  I’m mostly focusing on the fact that people are really good at perceiving approximate information, and precise information (like digits) is actually harder for us.  

    I will point out that there are advantages to using skeuomorphic instruments in a car: Standard analog sweeps have the benefit that they can be read at a glance - and most experienced drivers are really good at it (the human brain is _good_ at it ...)

    One of my favourite criticisms of these - especially when they are a standard shift - is the lack of handbrake lever on the centre console.  The lack of that makes hill starts so much harder.  (There are other uses for handbrake as well - but for some unknown reason, Chevrolet opted to put a footbrake pedal in instead)

    Is it a “bad deal”? Most of the examples I see on BAT or eBay are meticulously preserved / restored and going for close to this kind of money for the Berlinetta versions, and pushing into the $20K+ range for the real Z28s.

    We used to call these things “Entropy Cars” - largely because owning one was an experience in watching entropy before your very eyes.  The interiors fell apart stunningly fast, and the rest of the power train was a crapshoot - either major gaskets/seals started failing, or the transmissions would go sproing ... often

    CP - scarce does not equal valuable.  

    NP unless inspection turns up major mechanical issues developing in the powertrain. These aren’t intrinsically bad cars - the basics of the chassis and powertrain do seem to survive fairly well. Plan on overhauling the brakes at some point, but for many here that’s a weekend’s worth of wrenching. Rocker rot, and a

    After looking a bit on eBay, I’m starting to question the price as a few $ too high. You can get unmolested ‘73 Mach 1's for around the asking price of this one on eBay, and a quick look around Bring A Trailer’s history shows some similarly unmodified 73's for ~$20K.

    It’s a cheap model off Amazon.  The last time I bought one (a few years ago), it had the extra bits - and I don’t buy expensive tools unless I use them all the time.

    Just an FYI, most jigsaws ship with a “parallel guard” that can be used to help ensure that it tracks straight when cutting straight lines ... (Image snarfed from Amazon for convenience)