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    Yes. When manufacturers are able to produce decent small body options (e.g. Honda’s HRV and Toyota’s CHR) on their current small car platforms without killing fuel economy too badly, they quickly become viable options.  

    In North America, I expect we’ll see very little in the way of small cars for some time. Those will be supplanted by small body crossovers - and like the standard transmission, the hot hatch will die out because most drivers have exactly no idea how to handle them.

    CP - One it’s ugly. Two it’s horrendously overpriced to begin with.

    Utility in combat may be limited, but if it’s a mule platform for developing autonomous technology (which seems likely), then it’s significant from the POV of understanding where China thinks it’s going and the shape of the next war they anticipate. 

    Reads not so much as a “gimmick” so much as a prototype.  Autonomous and semi-autonomous technologies are still emerging, and China probably feels a need to show themselves as “competitive” with the technologies the US and Russia have been developing. 

    Discovering the frozen bolts? 

    Is it just me, or does that bunch of wiring harness strung along the rod that runs from the firewall to the grill seem a bit dodgy? I’m not an expert on this generation of Jeep, but that just seems odd.  

    Good luck finding one. There were never a lot of Gremlins on the road to begin with, and the Levis edition was even more scarce.

    I’d buy this in a flash ... the SHO version addressed every major complaint I had with the more pedestrian Taurus models.  (Starting with suspension that couldn’t make up its mind if it was trying for “land yacht” or “inadequately European”, and a horribly mushy transmission)

    Still one of Audi’s best looking offerings even after all these years. 

    I think you’re trying to be sarcastic. More seriously, we’re talking about a human factors issue that uniquely applies to people operating heavy equipment (in this case - a car hurtling down the road at significant speed).

    The problem with the Aztek was always what happened between the concept prototype and production ...  the prototype looked good; the production version took the prototype and removed all of the coherent character of the concept on the altar of costs. 

    I’m critical of the massive touchscreens taking over in cars for a few reasons that are more cognitively oriented:

    I seriously considered buy the SVT when it came out ... then a couple of my colleagues had them. The bugs in those cars ... oy ...

    For $3300, I’ll put it at NP.

    Sort of off-topic, but every time I see a Veloster, I think an old Datsun F10 and a mid-80s CRX had a love child or something.

    If this had been 10 days ago, I would have laughed and said “good gag” ...

    It’s not quite as offensive as the F-10 was in the late 70s ... or the Gremlin ... or the Pacer ... 

    Solid NP.