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    I’m currently considering a new(er) vehicle to replace my Mazda6. At this point it’s come down to a tossup between a CR-V and a similar age Fusion. What’s likely to make the final decision will be long term reliability.

    That doesn’t even rise to CP.

    Which is equally stupid.

    Neither of those models would appear until the mid-late 80s.

    Hard CP.

    I’m not saying it’s a bad thing that it’s 30 years old by any means. But you’d have to be a fool to think that entropy isn’t taking its toll on a car that age, no matter how shiny it looks.

    A number of years ago, radar detectors used to be illegal too.

    That was a slick little generation of the Civic - small, sharp looking. Decent handling. I wanted one when I was a teenager, but couldn’t quite put together enough cash to make that happen.

    I never did warm to the last generation of the Prelude.

    IIRC, these sold moderately well in Canada. As others haven noted, at the time the C$ was in the toilet, so anything that could be sold at a reasonable price here would have done okay (and the pricing wasn’t bad in Canada)

    The price is steep, but these aren’t the most common of BMWs either. I’ve never actually seen one in person myself (and BMWs are the car of choice for wealthy types around here ... right after their lifted Ford F-350 toy truck)

    Actually, looking at the Wikipedia article on the HP 42, the plane sounds like it was reasonably successful - but it would have been large enough - and slow enough - to be a convenient target in wartime. Ungainly is perhaps the worst you could accuse it of.


    1st Gear: Coming from any other CEO, nobody would take this seriously without a clear and concrete path laid out to get there. Musk says it, and everybody falls all over themselves? Give me a break.

    Hard to say - there was a significant gang war going on here at the time. It took the last decade and a bit to get all of the culprits caught and tried ... and now most of them are serving 25+ in prison.

    Hard CP.

    Back in the 80s, I really wanted Honda to produce a Civic with a large displacement version of the V4 in the early VFRs - there was a considerable difference in tech between the two, and the Civics of the time - I thought - would have benefitted from the technology being developed in the VFRs.

    Of course, all that is before you even consider starting that “dozens of miles” trip ...

    They tended to self-destruct fairly quickly ...

    I doubt any of them survived ...