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    Early 80s were a high point in styling for the Japanese manufacturers.

    If it’s actually in reasonable driving fettle, I’d almost consider it.

    After looking at the street view a bit longer and thinking about it, computationally, this is a fairly complex space.

    At a guess, she is doing what most people do by reflex - checking both ways. I find myself doing that when crossing roads, even when I know they are one-way.

    1st Gear: It’s a sad statement that we have to wait for a tragedy before trying to formulate meaningful rules to guide the development of an emerging technology.

    The price is ridiculous.

    I have a lot of thoughts on this video:

    Timing chains last pretty well, but sometimes the chain guides and tensioners can wear prematurely, so inspection isn’t a bad idea.

    Thank you - you’ve just reiterated a lot of the points I’ve made in the past regarding autonomous vehicles.

    Interesting ... I never heard about that. I thought most of the Japanese manufacturers had solved that problem by 1990.

    I’ll politely disagree on the larger engine. The 20R was actually really well suited to the car. I always wanted to drop an 18R-G into mine (had a line on one for a while, but never managed to put together the cash *sigh*)

    Good call!

    They were dead easy to steal - and anyone with a “well worn” key from another Toyota of that era could get inside. The key from my 72 was practically a “generic master key” for Toyotas from 70-80 - I used to walk past them in the parking lots and test the locks for fun ... that well worn key opened about 80% of the

    “updated” is being kind. But I’m having a hard time connecting your comment about updates to the considerations I cited?

    What makes me nervous about Dodge is the classic Chrysler problem: they seldom last much past the warranty ... if they get that far. I had hoped they had gotten past this in the 80s, with the K-chassis experience. BUT ... nobody I know has kept a late model FCA product past its warranty ... with the possible

    Depends on what you mean by “believe in aliens”.

    I wouldn’t object to red interiors, but I remember the cheap, plasticky interior of my Dad’s 1980 Escort. It was this horrendous lurid red, and everything looked cheap. Driving it felt like you were constantly looking out at the world through the windows of a particularly low class bordello. *gah*

    “sporty crossover” - isn’t that an oxymoron?

    There’s a surprising number of people that don’t even know what a Mondial is.

    Yeah - that minivan was one of VW’s bigger mistakes. Take an FCA Caravan and slap VW badging on it ... how can that end well?