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    I loved the _idea_ of the del Sol. It was a great idea ... but unfortunately this was the beginning of what I came to think of as Honda’s “malaise era”.

    ... and ironically, all 3 - the Prizm, Metro, and Tracker were all pretty solid little cars mechanically. There’s still a handful of Metros running around here this winter (and that’s the early 90s version), and I see the odd Tracker too. The Prizm was never sold in Canada, but there are still a fair number of early

    Straight up CP for me. These were a low quality competitor to the Jetta GLI. They were cheaply built, and pretty much self-destructed. I don’t think I’ve seen a survivor Alliance for the last 15 years around here.

    A running example of one of GM’s rare collaborations with Pininfarina? Cool.

    I have yet to meet someone who _liked_ their Chevette experience. That car seems to be uniquely suited to disappointing anyone who ever drove one.

    The 510 was a uniquely successful car for Datsun/Nissan, for sure. That’s part of why I didn’t include it in my list of comparable vehicles. Now, a B110 (Aka Datsun 1200), they were another story.

    The funky honeycomb design, by some chance?

    The fifth gen Corolla marks Toyota hitting their stride - and it was a very nice car. I was thinking more of the 3rd and 4th generation versions. (The Omni/Horizon debuted in 1978, IIRC)

    18R huh? I had the same generation of Celica - did you have problems with yours eating voltage regulators? (I’m pretty sure mine had several faulty grounding connections in the wiring harness)

    No - it’s just relative. Small cars in this era weren’t exactly known for being “great cars” generally. Even my 70s era Celica, as much as I loved it, was full of problems, especially compared to cars 20 years later.

    You’d have to be blasting this: Pretty Fly

    I always thought the Omni/Horizon got an undeserved hard rap. Consider its primary competitors:

    Check your smartphone ...

    The front end treatment was a little odd, but not offensively so. The lines on the back are just offensively wrong. Well done, perhaps, but still wrong.

    Those graphs say it all. Fundamentally, the entire industry has been engaging in a race to the bottom for decades now. It’s getting to the point where someone on the tall side of average can’t sit comfortably in the seats provided.

    The price is a bit steep, but I still give it a NP.

    Interestingly, he could find himself running afoul of the FAA. I was poking around their website, and they have regulation(s) for both amateur unmanned rockets (relatively easy to deal with), and manned ... the regulation for the second are, shall we say a wee bit more stringent.

    Musk just lost a lot of credibility for me. He’s now the CEO guy who hangs on as long as possible instead of knowing when it’s time to step aside and move on to other projects. This will not serve Tesla well in the long run.

    Yeah ... no.

    The spindle grille looks good on _SOME_ of their cars. On others, it looks hideous.