This is essentially a DS. Why not just call it a DSiU instead?......Oh wait, that would just confuse people even more. BAZINGA!!
This is essentially a DS. Why not just call it a DSiU instead?......Oh wait, that would just confuse people even more. BAZINGA!!
This 2DS is basically a DS...that doesn't fold! I am the only one that doesn't get it?
honestly, it looks like crapola majoris boringus maximus. Bazinga!
No GTA5 for PS4/XBone.
You're a horrible person. You're a cancer on the games industry. Everything you've ever worked on is terrible. Your existence offends me. ;-P
Silence! Sony know the next gen console war is they are just taking it easssssy!
sure if you want to waste thousands of dollars in buying an maintaining/upgrading a pc, anything id possible!
Nice try troll. I was at the Nintendo booth yesterday.....BORING!!!
Why bother.
Quick test. When I say Terrorist, what region comes to mind first?.........
Stay pumped for a year. It aint coming until 2014!!!
Hey, STFU!!
I know who it was. IO Interactive!!
NOW I GET IT. MS renamed the new system the Xbox One because they were going back to the beginning. The original Xbox struggled against the PS2 and was left behind, which will once again be the case! If you don't believe me, Nostradamus also predicted it in Quatrane 6:1013 "and then the great box from the East…
I think Eric, an Xbox fanboy, is still dazed and confused from the Shock and Awe that Sony handed Microsoft last night!!
Platinum knows by now that they made a bad decission. They are probably hard at work to re-negotiate this being a WiiU exclusive and release a PS4/Xbox One version afterwards....or they will bleed $$$ to death!!
Silence, tool! Sounds like you xbox fanboys are still mad MS got schooled by SONY!!
It was a TKO baby!!
You know how to tell the difference?
Weak finish!! Where was the ULTRRRRRRA COMMMMMMBO!!!