..simply amazing. nerd orgasming!!!!
..simply amazing. nerd orgasming!!!!
Xbone burrrrrrrrrrned by PS4, again! This is reallllllly getting boring. Yes, in a year, when the next batch of games come out, things will pan put and give us a better indicator of who really has the advantage...but for now the XBone is getting boned hard!
If the PS3, with everything going against it in 2006, could somehow, dig itself out of the ground, pick its self up, dust itself off and eventually surpass the 360 in sales....then yes, Xbone does have a chance in this coming next gen war!
C&C takes this medium too seriously! Now Halo: Wars was a fun RTS game.
The game is about to end, so what's the score again?
If only it WOULD work as shown. You know it wont......ins't that right Kinect 1.0?
#Sh*t nerds never say "Was it good for you?"
yeah, yeah.....but can she fight?!
At least we still have Killzone as a launch title!.....oh wait, what have I been seeing this morning......delayed?
Just put it on the chair lady.......and walk away!
By then GTA 5 will be old news! LOL!!
This was unbearable to watch!!
Another blow to the XBONE!! WOW!!!
It took the robot 2 seconds. What kind of BS is this? I want my 1 second back!!
OH, his son will be playing it this year, his dad just wont know, duh!!
Maybe Pleblus would be more at home in Europe around 1348. Clean water, freedom and a certain plague.....
You are a dreamer! GTA 5 is a conduit for people to do what they can't do in real life. Nobody plays it within the legal limits of real life. if you wanna do that...go outside.
That's why you play it in moderation and limit what they can and can't do. You know they are going to play it...somewhere. So, just let them get a taste and get it out of their system.