Dan Ozzi sucks more than Zach Braff.
Dan Ozzi sucks more than Zach Braff.
I'll be honest I know very little about this film and have not seen it. I've even been able to stay away from a lot of the hype and press. But that seems to be conservative America's general MO, right? If they can make jerks into heroes, it will make them feel better about being shitty to people in real life. Why else…
Honestly, it's probably just because there is money to be made by pitching the film as the story "about" a guy that already has a large fan base, and a fan base that is typically (I would imagine) harder to get to come out to the movies on a regular basis.
I don't remember the specific dialogue in that scene very well, so what makes that Facebook conversation "incredibly cliched," exactly?
I'm going to miss it, too (after hours holiday party with co-workers), but that's the beauty of the Network. Plus I have a friend visiting Friday night, so we'll be able to watch it together.
NXT is my favorite show of the year.
That's pretty much how it happened for me. Girlfriend/best friend both pushed me into Boys and Girls and I was reeled in by the end of "Stuck Between Stations" (still maybe my favorite individual THS song). Much later than I'm willing to admit, I finally decided to listen to Separation Sunday on a nightly run and now…
That's my favorite movie that I always get to bring up in conversations about obscure movies.
Yeah but Buffy is like the greatest show of all time and you didn't even mention it here…
Best answer.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies (all three of the originals) are my answer, as well. Power Rangers, too. My parents still mention today how many times I made them see those films in theaters.
It didn't even take 30 seconds to write!
Ah shit, I thought I responded to you but I guess it didn't work (or Discus is just fucking up again sorry if this is a repeat).
Yeah, I just never see the same heated backlash when people say they don't read or listen to music. You'll get some half-hearted finger-wagging about the lack of reading today or whatever, but it's nowhere near the same level of seemingly personal offense that some people take when they're confronted with the opinion…
I mean, I know it's overkill. I was trying to make some sort of rhetorical point and I was in a grumpier mood when I made the original post.
Fair enough. But unlike the angry atheist/religious nut arguments, I think this is definitely a one-sided situation. How often do you see people that don't watch TV getting frustrated when their co-workers or Facebook friends talk about The Big Bang Theory? No one ever seems to call out Breaking Bad fans for being too…
I just…how else would you ask that question? It's an inherently confrontational remark. Especially when left in the comments section of an article where people try to justify BEING JUDGMENTAL ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE LIKE.
I don't understand, though? Are we not allowed to confront these uncomfortable truths?
Well, I just ate a sandwich and thought about it and I guess what's really going on is that I find all exhausted talk about pop culture and TV to be so grating when I'm in a bad mood because at some level it just reveals to me some kind of essential emptiness that comes along with being human. So, I get depressed…
Pretty funny, I guess, but I do own a TV so why?