
this slide show needs to chart her wardrobe against the pregnancies though out the series....big coat = baby, small coat = no baby

very nice :)

well put...
for me whenever I think of Fight Club I always think of the poster and that particular sort of person who has the poster hanging on their wall (and or the poster to Scarface) and I can’t help but think “did you actually watch this movie?”

most of the posts on Jez/io9/etc these days are little more than extended tweets...they’re not researched/checked/edited by anyone and are utterly disposable - a mistake in the post? who cares - we got the page views and are busy posting something else!

oh, well if we’re talking about the Winter games then we need to address who can change the thermostats - and by how much.

look, they need to keep the talking to a minimum ok?

...Caribbean Medical University of Curacao...


Reading books is one, very important, aspect of learning how to communicate. I think if the same kinds of emphasis and the same kinds of benefits were placed on reading and writing (communicating!) as they are on STEM you’d see a different trend over time. Students are not told about the consequences of not being able

whenever I think about doing something I wonder: “Would Stalin have approved of this?”
if the answer is “Yes”, then I try not to do it.

tl;dr - moron and friends, like most people, apply magical thinking more than reason in decision making.

is it just me or is the writings (and statements made) by these people very very weird?
And this is the kind of love that is toward us today.”
huh? it’s all so weird...

Miller is a savage and I hope he and his entire family get bone cancer and die in grinding pain....
but it’s weird that a site that isn’t too fond of body shaming so gleefully uses this asshole’s hairline as the hook to hang this post on.

looks like there just wasn’t enough crunch...
this is QA 1-0-fucking-1...
they’re going to make their $Billion and gamers will look the other way (heehee) and the industry will grind along and their inept methods of production and shitty treatment of their artists will be validated.

well done everybody.

not having seen the film I can’t say if the number of digits on their hands is ever even mentioned, or used to indicate degree of “the evil”, but I highly doubt it...
and, again I haven’t seen the film so I could be wrong, but I’ll bet the witches are considered ‘bad’ for reasons that have nothing to do with their

is Jezebel just trolling me now?
this article has just about all of the things that make my eyes roll waaaaay back into my skull in a Liz Lemon like fashion....
Pregnancy Reveal
‘spoken-word poetry’ (extra eye roll just typing that)
‘Directed By Lena Dunham’

well done Universe, one point for you.

How is it that people don’t really ever just fucking “get it”
Person Investing millions into a film: who should we get to play the lead character?
Everybody Else: someone right for the role.

I’d say it’s a sign of a society in decline that such things develop in the first place.

if you’re looking for a single statement that sums up the US right now it is this:

Barron is, in fact, the mastermind behind this entire family...