
the phrase ‘More interesting still is that...’ cannot be applied to anything tiktok or these shallow nothing humans....

is it weird that there is such a thing as a ‘misdemeanor hate crime’

bunch of ceefhkmorrtu aehlosss.

I appreciate the coverage of this story....

intersectionality, zeitgeist, contextualizing hate...

I’m sorry for thinking that you were unfamiliar with 1984, that was an unwarranted assumption of mine and I was wrong, it does seem however that you are either unfamiliar with or utterly confused by the fucking point of the book.

It sounds to me like this is exactly the right way to view Birth of a Nation - in a classroom environment where you are able to examine the film from many perspectives and in different contexts, this is what school is for.

she’s his she’s the older sister of his mother, works just fine.

others have pointed out how wrong a take this is of I’ll just:

ah Fashion Television....
an easy, breezy source of light nudity to brighten up a Saturday afternoon while cleaning the house or starting dinner preparations with my roommate.
I know a LOT about fashion from that era.

this is actually pretty smart...
given that conception isn’t as easy for many women as it’s been portrayed she (they) could spin this off into another show about the trials and tribulations of getting pregnant...etc etc

“we would be spending millions of dollars building the Arena to a very high standard...”

agreed...but damn, Rachel Keller....

so what, exactly, did you think would happen?

Hades isn’t the same as Hell.
why would there be a bouncer at the gates?

how is this not harassment? morally if not legally.
fuck this guy.

thanks for this I guess...
however this statement:
“ Ultimately, the path she chose led her to a full covid-19 recovery, which is worth celebrating.”
is utterly fucking unconscionable, you’re essentially validating all of this frankly loony-fucking-toon nonsense. shame on you.

a friend of mine has a lovely doggy: