
Oh fuck off with that bullshit. Its clear from their history that they are under pricing their tiers to get more sales by putting riskier margins only to have the market do what it does and they then hold the backers hostage for more money. Either they pushed the kickstarter out the door before they really grasped

I really miss the “Best Anime of This Season” articles that Kotaku used to do. They used to lead me to a lot of great gems. These articles are borderline useless, to me at least; it’s just a huge diarrheal dump of everything coming out with no way of knowing if any of it is worth watching.

It’s amazing that we are still debating this type of ban for this type of exploit, in 2017. This sort of ban has been occurring since Ultima Online first came out in 1999. If you knowingly abuse an exploit to gain an advantage, it’ll get you most likely a soft ban. It’s been like this in every single multiplayer

If you want to finish in the slowest time possible, sure. Otherwise it is a listening simulator.

The bar has been raised... possibly lowered. What’s important is the bar moved.

No Sweden doesn’t have courts. Its every man for himself over there.

“$300 for a cow nipple simulator? May as well get a cow.” Joyless people.

I’m udderly amazed at how much Kotaku is milking this Nintendo Switch thing. We get it, y’all are dairy excited. But let’s not lose perspective. Some people have real beef with Nintendo right now, and I have to say, some of that is really a lot of bull. Still, if Nintendo wants to keep up, they really need to hoof it,

Can we talk about how horrible the setup and follow-up was for this award? Having YouTube personalities shout “That Dragon, Cancer!” like it’s freaking Doom or something, and then the guy comes up in tears. Then following it up with an actual ad for Doom? Really poor timing and tone all around.

I think the greater point here is not ‘we must pretend problematic things did not exist or alter them purely to appease everyone’, but rather ‘we should give greater thought to intentionally carrying forward potentially problematic elements in things where they may not actually be necessary or relevant and may