Don Hahn

Think I’ve cleared the 7-game qualification, and to me that was clearly an error. If not on the catch then certainly for the 2 extra bases from booting the ball.

Normally that’s certainly the good tradeoff, an out for a run that’s got a good chance of scoring anyway. But yesterday, as a Mets fan, I was thrilled he decided to catch it. D’Arnaud would have been 0-2 and looked all series (against Greinke and Kershaw at least) like he had no strike zone judgment. I think there’s a

Well, “most” equals two, in 54 seasons, tied with the two the Marlins and Blue Jays have in many fewer seasons. Since Mets joined the majors in 1962 they’ve got 8 playoff appearances vs. the Cubs 7, and they traded off 5th and 6th place in the NL East for years, so I think they can relate a little.