
You would think Warren would be used to staying quiet.

It’s awesome every time and I wish they would hold it more than just every 4 years.

Zemo ruled, FOH

...Why would we be calling these neoliberals responsible for the mess we’re in at the moment, again?

A reminder to everyone reading this comment: “liberal” means center-right.

The cognitatve dissonance this post required is astonishing.

Ignorance like this is why things are only going to keep getting worse.

Covering up the fatal mistake of not changing filibuster rules when they could and should have is not “educating onesself,” hth.

No, you whitewashing racist piece of shit, he worked for the good of the pharmaceutical companies, Wall Street, the military industrial complex, and his own administration at the expense of his party at the federal and state levels.

Obama abandoned us, hth

This is a very bad and incorrect piece of writing and the thinking behind it is one of the reasons we’re in this mess in the first place.

And Joan Walsh continues to be the worst.



Not that I’m disagreeing, but it’s worth pointing out that the Royals had a higher payroll than the Mets.

I assume it’s including the uninteruppted years this deal provides on top of what we’ve already experienced?

This is the dumbest, most counterproductive take imaginable.

I am curious to hear Billy’s opinion of Gio Savarese.

A return to normalcy after catastrophe is not reform.