Mark Kriss

I seriously think we need to just introduce caps on wealth at this point.

As a guy, I will say that women who ask me to meet up ‘too soon’ don’t necessarily come across as headstrong, but they may be jumping the gun a bit by suggesting a drink before I’ve decided whether I want to actually meet them. (As in literally the first or second message is ‘let’s meet up’.) Once that card’s been

As a woman, this type of message would skeeve me the f- out. It comes across as way too aggressive/desperate/impersonal and frankly kind of scary. Like, I want to at least get a baseline for you and a general sense you’re not a serial killer before agreeing to meet somewhere. I have no reason to believe that your

Because he’s playing out the longest and most expensive Spaceballs joke in history

In the 1980s, Richard Posner wrote ‘Amusing Ourselves To Death’, in which he suggested that, with the rise of TV (this was pre-Internet), the U.S. was in much more danger of tyranny via the path of ‘Brave New World’ than it was from a ‘1984' scenario. His point was that ‘1984' required a condition where a dictator

I could barely handle Bing-Bong’s death when I took my kids to Inside Out! This sounds PTSD inducing. Hard pass.

This is still blue and black, and you're a filthy liar.

Nah. It looks like gold at first, and yes the pixels are gold, but the dress is blue and black. It's an optical illusion, and color balance absolutely matters.

well that's a pleasant picture

Looks like they got rocked, like a Hurricane...

"Next time, my friend... Next time"

assholes like you are why the highway fucking sucks. "Oh I can handle it, I'm a good driver" nearly got me killed on the highway cause 2 assholes in ricers decided flying through traffic at 80+ when everyone else was doing 30. Fuck you and fuck everyone that thinks like you. You wanna race? Go to a fucking track and


List of injured:

I'm impressed that they lived, and glad that no life was lost and that no other persons or vehicles were involved. That said, I'm sure someone somewhere believes that Darwinism was cheated.

You can buy this Lamborghini Huracan for the price of a used bicycle.

You are a genius!


So...would the partner fellatio app {Suck?} involve putting your entire iPhone in your mouth?