
Check it out. Houston Cars & Coffee. Blue GT350? Look Mustang, act Mustang, not Full Mustang. Lost control, hit the curb, scared some people. Not Full Mustang. You know the GT500 in Chicago? The white convertible? Reckless, yes. Mustang, maybe. Drove it into a tree. But he did his best not to hit anything else.

I think a Tesla owner would rather slit their wrists than tow a gas generator behind them.

This is America now. People are looking for every single possible way to be something can be offensive. It is really exhausting.

But....why should they ask you that in chemistry?

You live in an area with a lot of crown vic squad cars? Where exactly in 2003 is it?

Well if I had money, tell you what I’d do, I’d not go to Doug’s and buy a Mercury for forty two.
You’d have to be crazy ‘bout that Mercury.
Lord, Doug’s crazy bout his Mercury.

My guess is he’s the starting RF.

It’s your policy break the speed limit with safety devices disabled?

I see nothing wrong with turning off everything in a car you’re familiar with.

Auto-Journalist overestimates driving ability in a car with no power; in next article bemoans lack of power in newly announced car.

Good news, it exists.

The problem is that Tesla isn’t going to make electric cars happen. People ignore the Chevy Bolt, but it’s a superior car in every way to any Tesla. It’s battery technology is 10 years more advanced, it’s more reliable, and you can actually get one.

Well, most kickstarters aren’t asking for another 1.5B after they’ve spent many billions and haven’t made a profit. Most kickstarters aren’t holding onto large pre-order payments from a huge number of customers.

Good take. GO DAIHATSU!!!!

Whoa whoa whoa, get outta here with these “details” that fuck up the simplistic narrative of the post.

I don’t know what’s more ridiculous, the author calling musk a sick son of a bitch or you calling the author a “journalist” lolz there’s none of those around here

I love Coopers. Run ‘em on everything.

The residents were pissed, and petitioned the Board of Supervisors to nullify the sale. One resident explained to The San Francisco Chronicle the shock that they, the city’s wealthy, could be so rudely taken advantage of

Holy shit. That’s a really fucking insulting thing to say.