
let’s get these out of the way:
“Try that in a small town”
“They should have just complied”

What else?  

The point of the matter is that an HBCU gave Sharpe a chance when no one else would. I think he’d have a little more gratitude considering where that chance took him.

Now... if white people liked honesty more and are able to handle the truth better than Black people, the American History taught in schools wouldn’t be wh

“Why are Jewish sensitivities denied or diminished at almost every turn? Why does our trauma trigger applause? “

Maybe they should start by legally defining “white”. They’ll be at each others’ throats in no time.

Not to be pedantic but I’m surprised this post frames ADW as a “millennial” show. I’m latter Gen-X and I was really young when this aired, and my decisively Gen X sister (born 1970) was in college at the same time as the characters. If anything, this is a Gen X show, not Millennial.

The thing about shows like this and Reservation Dogs - there’s levels & layers for everyone. If you’re a black lifelong Atlanta resident, you’re gonna be watching this from a different layer than a white suburban New England viewer, but all the layers are good. There’s a lot of specificity to the character experiences,

I bet not a single one of these idiots even knew the flute existed before Lizzo played it. 

“I can’t tell if this is extreme, extreme pettiness..... or terrorism”.

One thing I thought about with the lady “chasing” Darius was eventually her chair would run out of power, and I’m surprised it lasted that long. But, considering this is Atlanta and normal rules don’t apply, perhaps the chair was powered by her spite?

Counter-point: getting upset on stage would likely get her an undeserved “B” status from the general public. I’ve noticed that it’s an impulse that women are good at suppressing. We may not find out what she was actually thinking in that moment for a long time, if ever. 

The 2022 Dept. of Defense budget is 777.7 BILLION dollars. So, $21 million is 0.0027% of the current budget. So, please do not use “whopping” in this case for military spending. One F-35A war plane cost $78 million and $36,000 per flight hour.

no they’re not, hearing a gun shot does not mean police have a right to unload their guns into a crowd of civilians. that’s what is commonly referred to as a war crime.

Tempting, tempting... but then the poor sewage plant workers have to deal with white supremacy yokels around there.  Why inflict that on sewage plant workers? 

I like it.

Confederate stans can still look at their precious hate symbols—but they have to go to a Black History Museum to do so...

Your move, Cletus!

All the folks who say the monuments are about remembering our history should presumably be thrilled with this. What better way to remember the horrors of the past than having them in a museum with the appropriate context to help us understand what they really represented? Somehow I’m guessing that’s not how those

She ended it with “I said what I said.”

Supporting actors in popular sitcoms often get the short shrift, after the run of the show is over. He deserved a lot more high profile work after Night Court was over.

Now playing

No one is America is more whiny than racist cops who are called out for racism; hell, racism is pretty much the default setting in the USA:

You get NOTHING! Good DAY, sir!

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