
To be perfectly honest, this song kind of sucks.

Boy do you take this show seriously. I can't for the life of me imagine why you would do such a thing. That torture scene was hilarious. The face licking? Pure comedy gold.


You mean like in the System of a Down song?

I'm pretty sure it's going to get out anyway.

You were proud of Zack? He basically taught the guy that you can hack someone's computer and post videos of them naked, a 16 year old governor's daughter to boot, and all you'll get is a love tap from her pussy brother. He should have called the police, or if he decided to go the vigilante route, he should have

The pussy

I'm guessing nobody is trying to recruit Carrie to be a spy. It's the congressman from the hearing.

I'm withholding. Look at me, getting off.

Oh cool, Ziggy Sobotka is in this show. Not actually gonna watch it, I'm just glad the man's getting work.

This actually makes some great points.

If Chiwetel Ejiafor or Idris Elba was playing him I might actually start watching.


You know nothing Jon Snuuuuu

I thought the trailer was pretty funny.

Is it just me, or does it sound like the IRS is trying to put her ass in debtors' prison?

I believe they're going to be Skagos. That's all.


I find this whole enterprise highly dispiriting. You can get to a transcendentally stupid place once you don't give a shit at all about quality, a Freddie Got Fingered type of weirdness can ensue. But it's like they're actually shooting to make the shittiest, least interesting movie possible.

I mis the Brave Companions, but it couldn't be helped. still, can we agree that this whole Shae thing is fucking retarded? How the uck is she going to act like an unreasonably jealous girlfriend, when she isn't even his girlfriend, but his whorw? 'You paid women to have sex with you before me? How could you? Also,