
I’ve never paid a hundred bucks to have a garbonzo bean on me heyooo.

You said apartment. If you own, or privately owned, its a condo.

Plenty of Spanish influence in Filipino culture, considering Spain colonized them and ruled for a few hundred years!

I added The Outside Story to my queue. Thanks for the tip!

It’s probably not the most economical way to add rice to my soup but, as someone who eats a lot of meals solo, it is the most convenient.

If you’re stacking stuff vertically, make sure to account for the stability of the boxes or bins that you’re using. By the time you pile stuff three or four boxes high, you may be crushing the one on the bottom. Or get cheap shelving for your unit (which gives you easier access to everything, top to bottom, when you

I don’t know why it shocked me to see this here but yes. This, or it’s Vietnamese cousin, are inarguably the best dipping sauce.

Yeah, don’t do the soda thing. Especially if you have lenses with coatings.

Seafood, or maybe duck.   I can cook both at home but when I was a kid and rarely allowed to attend adult celebrations, they were always at fancy seafood restaurants with white tablecloths and too much silverware.

While I was never a hater of licorice, I would usually only have it if there were no other options (e.g. final jelly beans, end of Halloween candy, etc). My awakening came from the realization that licorice is a major flavor component of root beer. Sometimes, all it takes is a new context.

I would like to put forth an honorary nomination for the whole crew at America’s Test Kitchen and Cook’s Country (now that Chris Kimball is gone, of course). They’re great at teaching not just the “how” to cook, but the “why” this dish works and the previous attempts didn’t.

Flay is an asshole who cooks well.

Literally Weird Al Yankovich's entire music catalog.

I googled this hoping it was not the bone I was thinking of.

When I was a kid, my mom worked in a drug store. Whenever they would get a broken bag of candy in a shipment, she would bring it home for us to eat. During Halloween, that included a lot of candy corn. We didn’t get a lot of sweets in our house, so we ate entirely too much of that candy corn and I’ve hated it ever

And their granpa.

I do both! A dash of instant espresso and a dash of cocoa powder.

Inspired by this chili recipe:

I agree with Ms. Brown; tuna salad is much better with Miracle Whip. I have to season the hell out of my tuna salad when I make it with mayo.

The food journalist Raymond Sokolov wrote about the ancient Spanish dish gazpacho as having pre-dated tomatoes in Europe. It was (and still is served, I believe) as a gruel of bread crumbs, oil and vinegar. The one Mr. Sokolov wrote about in a contribution to Natural History magazine circa 1989 is called Blanco de