
... or else it gets the baster again. Yes, it will, Precious, won’t it? It will get the baster!

It rubs the butter on it’s skin....

Nothing wrong with a brothel populated by librarians. I rather like the image. So much so, I think I’m going to seek out a dirty book on the subject.

I just watched the video to get an idea of the required work, and it popped up an ad for a “make a boat with a single 2x4” video from (I’m assuming) the same guy. I think that would be a much more interesting project than a coffee table, not sure why they wrote the article about a table while ignoring the boat.

Well the video starts with a sign with bunch of german on it and austrian .at web address. How can two by fours not be two by four? How does that make any bit of sense?

I have one, they are easy to clean, the only caveat being the cloth part of the filter. Pro tip, for composting, after you brew you can pour some water in (hold your hand on the bottom) and get the grounds moving. Then dump into a pile or just onto the soil.

I have one, they are easy to clean, the only caveat being the cloth part of the filter. Pro tip, for composting,

Try making hot cocktails in them, I love it.

Try making hot cocktails in them, I love it.

Because this is sponsored content disguised as a lifehack

Kombu and leek tops are the secret to my chicken broth/soup. The only problem is that the latter softens to the point of palatability while the other doesn’t (in my opinion) but the two look alike.

I’ve seen movies about those sorts of dinner parties.

Yeah, that’s kinda what I was thinking, too. Maybe you could put them out on wax paper or silicone until you’re ready to cook them. Maybe a pro could do it quick enough right into the pot, but I know how I work, it would turn into a big mess. :-)

I’ve made this style of gnocchi (too) many times. Unlike traditional gnocchi, this dough is a pate a choux and much more wet by comparison, meaning it can’t effectively be rolled out and cut, so the piping method is your best bet.

I want to say no because cooking will make the exterior change consistency and solidify, much like cooking a custard. If you just throw them into ice water they would still dissolve because nothing is keeping them together.

They have that now, too.

Tandy did it 30+ years ago my dad had this one

Damn right about turkey bacon! It is the work of the devil!

Wow thanks a lot! I didn’t know they made a mushroom base. I can only find beef and chicken, and I’ve heard of ham. I imagine when I finally get some mushroom base I be able to add a little with my beef to make even tastier gravy.

I just buy something called Better Than Bouillon. This stuff is the base for many of my soups and gravies.

I compost too - wait until the grounds are just warm, then use a small spatula - in the compost in about 10 seconds; a few leftover grounds will be left in the top. Soap and water clean the filter + glass top easily; the bottom pot I only clean with soap every 2-3 weeks - very little oily residue gets back down to the

I compost too - wait until the grounds are just warm, then use a small spatula - in the compost in about 10 seconds;

banged my head on this for a longgg time, and finally found a FIX!! I was incorrectly putting in the Security Profile ID (amzn1.application.0cexxxxxxx) string as the ProductID instead of the device name itself (my_device). This led to the “An error occured when we tried to process your request.” page. I just changed