
Can anyone recommend a good bcp for menstrual migraines? I am thinking of going on the pill to reduce my migraines, which seem hormonally related. I get migraines a good ten days out of the month.

Thank you. As the parent of a little boy who loves to "be a girl sometimes and a boy sometimes," I have found this is so spot on.

One year, when I was a teenager, my mother's Hanukkah gift to me was a magazine she took from the doctor's office and wrapped. It was a year old issue of "Money" magazine (please note I had no interest in a career in business, nor was I studying or working on anything related). The front cover was torn. It even had

"Or, maybe Women teachers are bigger assholes?"
First of all, as a professor, I'm going to have to ask you to please go fuck yourself.

Second, when you're done with that, maybe you can read the study, which indicated that students rated classes taught by the same professor, whether a woman or man, differently based on

If feminism is about achieving equality and dismantling patriarchy, then it's not just about "women's problems" as opposed to "men's problems" and it is necessarily about the issues discussed in this piece. While feminism is not a movement that is specifically focused on men's issues in particular, it is not a

This is actually the flip side of this article's topic—when it turns out the people you've been non-parent friends with aren't people you want to be parent-friends with. You still want to be friends with them. But you want to go back to the time before kids or just never, ever talk about kids with them or hang out as

The first time I read this I looked away in the middle and accidentally read your mom's response to your burns as a response to the dog humping.

Yes. It's amazing to me that there have been no charges pressed for that.

I'm pretty surprised at this point that he hasn't been charged with rape and with some child pornography violation. Let's even put aside the ample evidence of the rape (including the recording of him) and just focus on the child pornography that he made and distributed—the kid is not bright and there is a clear trail

Just to clarify—those are two entirely different, equally ridiculous and wrong women.

Ruth has two daughters who have been pregnant, one as a teenager, and who placed their children with families through adoption. This is why she believes she is qualified to counsel women seeking abortions. She argues that ""You don't

I think it's important to know that they are referencing In re AC, a case in the 1980s that was later overruled by a higher court, which held that the the forced c-section violated the woman's right to refuse medical treatment and that the court that ordered the treatment was wrong. (Her family also sued the hospital,

If you are on your feet a lot or just get sore feet, ankles, legs, or your feet swell, they are amazing. My feet and legs feel much better and less tired on days I am wearing my compression socks, and I just wear the non-prescription sock ones. It's true they can be more of a pain to put on and take some getting used

"Nobody is a greater enemy of sexism/racism/whatever than I am,"
and of course, "Some of my best friends are X/ someone else who is X thought what I did was fine."

All I had to do was read the label and let my body react in natural horror.

Drew Magary had a really good post on this a few weeks ago on Deadspin. And, as he pointed out, no kid has ever taken a participation ribbon as "wow, I'm awesome—and clearly just as good at this as the person who actually won! I see no difference in our achievements!"

The kids know the difference between the

In other news, Frog Creek, Pennsylvania parents of 8-year-old Jack and 6-year-old Annie were arrested when their children were found playing in the woods near their house. A tip from an elderly man who identified himself as "Merlin," said that the children had climbed an unstable rope ladder and were stranded in a

Thank you. I was about to post this as well.

Also, let's please stop referring to the "Mommy Wars." I know some parents have disagreements about things, etc., and some parents are ridiculous and vocal about it, but you find that with every group and every issue. Do we have to use that label when it comes to parenting?

Yes to Lizzy Caplan as Venkman!

The calico cat in particular really needs to rethink this. Because of the genetics needed to create calico coloring, calicos are either XX or XXY.

Calico cats, you need feminism. Don't be lazy about this just because your birth control was free.