Michael Freed

I vastly dislike Warhol as a human being and as an artist *BUT* the destruction of his art is truly tragic and not something that should be relished. Hopefully these are numbered lithographs and not originals which would be irreplaceable. Regardless of my feelings about him, his impact on the world of art in all its

This is great cause it happened to a rich, white man. I remember the first time me and my buddies laughed at a woman’s misfortune. Oh, wait. No, we didn’t. Regardless of political leanings, no-one deserves to have their home trashed in this manner. Authoritarian leftists are just as bad as right-wing, bible-thumping

I’m not a fan of Warhol, buuuuut I still take no pleasure in reading about his work being destroyed. You can dislike someone’s work and still respect its artistic significance. That the dude whose shit got jacked is a writhing pile of Trump-supporting shitworms is only the slimmest of silver linings.

Agreed. I don’t like the seemingly gleeful tone of the article. The guy in question may be an asshole, but this woman needs help and the art can’t be replaced. I don’t see what’s to take joy in here.

All I could think of was the art. Like Warhol or not, his artwork can’t be replaced.

That was pretty much my reaction exactly. The art’s owner is awful and more than deserves this, but it’s still depressing whenever art is damaged.

Completely disagree. The record is wonderful and a sign they should keep recording for years to come. Songs Of Experience enhances their legacy.

Longtime fan who’s very happy with Songs Of Experience.

This review was an epic hatchet job.

For real tho’, this list wasn’t funny or insightful. It was just a chance for the author to beat his chest and peacock.