
I loved Fallen Order but there’s a few things holding it back from greatness. Glitches and bugs, yes, but bigger issues for me are a) not quite enough story; b) too much platforming vs combat; and c) not enough combat against Imperials and other humanoids/too much focus on killing creatures.

The internal logic of this article is quite a bit off. These cute anecdotes are a poor stand-in for real data showing actual demand for non-WC women’s football. There’s not many more powerful forces in the world today than corporate greed, and money flows where there’s a return on investment.

As a ManUtd fan, this isn’t the full picture. ManUtd is hardly more than an investment vehicle right now for the Glazers, and they’re barely even investing in the men’s first team, so no surprise at all they haven’t invested in the women’s game. 

Totally feel ya though I'm thinking the game is designed for you to play with a bounty. It's the only thing that makes sense as otherwise there's pretty much no point to it all since the core narrative is about being an outlaw trying to earn enough cash to escape. 

I think this is a case where everyone is right. Jason is correct that fans are using and thinking of the term engine incorrectly, while us fans are perfectly within our right to be upset with how dated and buggy Bethesda games usually are.

I’m so glad you wrote this. I too was playing Odyssey prior to RDR2, and while I’m really enjoying it, I’ve been tired and frustrated with the Ubisoft approach to open world games for some time now and Odyssey is no exception.

Couldn’t be more disappointed that this is going to be first person perspective. First person feels so outdated and it feels so limiting with what you can do in terms of combat and interacting with the world. Ugh, massively disappointed.

I’m curious how much time you spent with each game? Because your impressions, like many of the reviews out there, seem to indicate someone who didn’t spend enough time with either game.

Man I cannot agree more with this. I dropped more than 100+ hours in my first playthrough but I rushed to the finish line, exhausted and excited for it to be over. It's just another example of a AAA title focusing on quantity rather than quality, which is such a shame considered Bioware is famously known for the

I honestly don't get why people keep playing Destiny. I stopped a month after release, frustrated with its flaws and lack of content, and when I read articles like this it just leaves me flabbergasted as to what is enjoyable about playing a repetitive, flawed, shallow game that is all about exploits and exploitation.

I'd like to add two important ones for me:

Ugh. Restarted 10+ times because either I hated how my character looked or wasn't sure about my class selection.

After playing Shadow of Mordor, I'm just terribly disappointed that Ubisoft hasn't improved the combat and movement gameplay mechanics as much as they did. I didn't finish Black Flag because I got tired of how easy, shallow, and repetitive the combat was in that game, and I thought for sure Unity would be the game

I agree with those who say it's too easy. Way too easy.

Bigger squads? A larger issue is the requirement that you must play with friends for some of the best content. Maybe those of you working in the industry with no shortage of gaming friends don't realize that for a lot of us regular folk, it's extremely difficult if not downright impossible to play this game with

Is $2.5 mil that much a bonus? Sounds like chump change relative to the kinda cash invested and generated by the game.

Looks gorgeous but still looks too easy. Enemy AI still poor. Stealth kills still look too easy while the eagle vision button takes the challenge out of managing threat detection.

This preview confirms some of my worst fears surrounding Destiny: that it's too much like Halo.