
As I understand it, you simply join one later on. It’s just not something you immediately pick at the first character creation thing. First you pick your background, pronouns, and stuff. Then you do the opening portions of the game, and eventually join clans and factions.

“In an email, Darealbandicoot told Kotaku the screenshots were did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the shots.”


It’s also worth noting that you can actually affect a lot of the acts, and even interact with several of them if you sit on the main floor.

This shit is definitely why we ended up with Green Book as BP. A contingent of protest votes against Netflix, in the only category that you can cause a split like that because of the preferential ranking. plenty probably had it at #1, but enough old fucks decided it was bad because Netflix.

For the life of me I can’t understand why anyone would care about viewership numbers. As far as you hating that people don’t go to theaters more, then tell them to reduce costs. I’m not spending 70-100 dollars for my family of 5 to go to Roma when I can make a healthy meal at home and we can enjoy it from our living

Sorry Steven, you’re wrong. The fact is that “TV movies” in the traditional sense barely even exist anymore beyond The Hallmark Channel. I would concede that a film designed to fit the rhythms of commercial breaks and edited for time by default is a very different beast from a theatrical film, but Netflix clearly

Yeach, it’s a real drag there are studios throwing money at exciting filmmakers and not at all interfering artistically. It was way better when interesting filmmakers could only make a movie if a studio gutted it so much it no longer resembled their movie

Respected buggy whip manufacturer has a few concerns about automobiles

Yeah seems a little odd to completely glance over such a huge issue - cutting payout from hunting which is one of the biggest draws to the game, not to mention the skill it takes to get a clean kill.  Do you guys not want to point that major flaw in this update, which Rockstar snuck in without mentioning it in the

Updates are not the same as releasing games with features and modes that are all but broken. 

I wish games were released when they were done instead of forcing us all to be a part of an extended beta.

I forgot that when racism slaps me in the face, I need to check the color of my skin before deciding if it’s okay to be upset.

“For some reason, the only thing Caucasians hate more than cleaning their rooms is gluten.”

On the other hand, all of these installs, updates, and downloads means that you can waste all of your free gaming time just waiting for a little bar to finish filling up.

I find that, sometimes, certain massive games like RDR2 or Witcher 3 actually benefit from shorter play sessions. Both of these have quests that explicitly feel like little tasks or jobs, and by playing one mission at a time you force yourself to enjoy what you’re doing moreso than if you were doing a marathon

It wouldn’t surprise me to find out George Soros was behind these reports of so-called issues with the voting machines! He’s got his fingers into everything wrong in America! Or so I hear, as all the news stations I listen to tell me that George Soros is evil incarnate, out to destroy America, Israel, and flavorless ch

I’ve been following the progress loosely, since following something like a video game closely is like watching a pot of water boil for X years. Their recent tech improvements are pretty amazing... but the Lorville livestreams they showed are much more impressive than this trailer. I guess that wasn’t covered. Easier

Never said they were, extremely impressive you can do all that with that giant chip on your shoulder.

Only took 4 minutes for That Guy to post. Gotta be some kind of record.

This is pretty much the same as LoL vs DoTA2 from a few years ago, LoL was the kiddie version because of the art style and missing some mechanics from DoTA like denying.