
No, he is a federal employee. You may recall that they are not allowed to delete communications. You may recall it came up once or twice in the campaign.

Also, this is Trump (and his supporters’) most fundamental misunderstanding - he no longer is a private citizen. Everything he does, he does with the full weight of the US military, treasury, healthcare system, etc behind it. This is why he shouldn’t be allowed to hold massive business interests, especially outside

You’re so right. It’s ok as long as he doesn’t wear a pants suit or is Kenyan.

While not advisable for a number of reasons, he’s perfectly within his rights to do so, as long as he doesn’t use it for official business.

Correct, you are wrong.

That would be fine if he were speaking as Donald Trump, private citizen. “I had cold leftover KFC for breakfast because I, Donald Trump, love me some greasy fast food,” is speaking as a private citizen.

So you are suggesting he use private servers then?

If your humor wasn’t so edgy you could have been invited to do a stand-up routine at Trumps coronation.

Fuck no. I’d rather gouge my eyes.

And we’ll say, “We keep telling you: the bunker doesn’t need a political blogger. Go scavenge for food.”

I don’t want to be out of my wits when “they” descend upon us.

My wife and I live in a rural area - the vistas are sufficient so I guess the slow death provided by Trump’s BFF will suffice. I knew I should have stockpiled more Glenmorangie. Cheers to you.

Any tips on how to avoid it? I’m asking for a friend.


Klay should really be ashamed. After all, he’s on the Warriors. He has to expect that at any given time, at least one of his teammates is going to be out on the court kicking balls.

Well, can’t blame Klay.

She’s an intelligent person who has spent the majority of her adult life in public service. In terms of virtue and decency, she wouldn’t have much competition from the vast majority of former presidents, low a bar as that might be.

I voted for Clinton and I am a paragon of virtue and human decency.

I don’t disagree with any of those things, but it’s like comparing your least favorite ice cream with a waffle cone full of bloody diarrhea. You might not like either one, but there’s a clear right choice.