Why this instead of Google Docs?
Why this instead of Google Docs?
Thank me later
Sorry, not for me. I’ve installed it on Linux Mint and use it in SublimeText and I don’t like it.
I want to see the 458. That La Ferrari is pretty ugly!
I want pixel art back! Someone (not EA) please hire this artist and create a game!
<sarcasm>What is Sonic?</sarcasm>
I have switched to Firefox from Chrome a few weeks ago because it also feels faster. I am a little sad about it because I really like Chrome apps and its Android's integration. Hope Google fix these soon!
Easy. Learn here:
Just one word: "thank-you"
Bye LogMeIn!
I really love the support! I did ask for a new feature and Leo from support answer it in less than five minutes! Awesome job guys! Love this app!
Looks legit ;) Thanks for the info
So it is Samsung's version of Android (Touchwiz, etc.).
The update process is not like that anymore. It is really easy. You download the update and just install it. It will reboot and you are done! Anyway, as you are messing with nightly builds most of the time, I do a NAND backup before to apply them.
Forget about Samsung updates! Just install Cyanogenmod. I am so happy with that!
I will wait for the 50GB offer... I don't want to miss that out if I register for it now... ;) ;) ;)
If at least it were pretty...