
I just put my ‘00 XJR on CL. Maybe I’ll have a story soon!

Hey, they gotta find a niche, right?

I confess that I have stopped right at the precipice that is welder/plasma cutter. OTOH, I have a full turbine painting system with a forced air respirator that I used to paint one car.

Another dad at my daughter’s school has a Karma and he absolutely loves it. He does not appear otherwise deranged so they may not be all that bad. He’s bummed that he’s going to miss a big owner’s group event at the Cherry Hill, NJ dealer in October.

Agree if it’s a dealer, who may not even have anyone left who trained on a 10 year old car, but Steve specifically said “repair shop”. Their bread and butter should be older cars.

How is the kit? I built a Cobra 10 years ago and it was pretty good. The body took a LOT of work but the mechanical bits as well as the manual were fine. I assume they’re even better now but that price point must have been difficult to meet.

That’s the “R” (for Race, of course) chassis. The Street version chassis accommodates working doors.

That was weak sauce talk show tech. The host obviously didn’t even bother to read the EPAs notice of violation which clearly spells out the federal regulations VW violated starting with the third paragraph!

Awesome. A high school friend had a Dasher Diesel, which I have to assume was even slower than a Rabbit. Other friend’s rides included a Karmann Ghia with the semi-auto and a Chevette. As you say, all kinds of nonsense could occur without anyone even noticing.

We are working intensively on the necessary technical solutions

Depending on where doyledagain lives, he may not be able to register his car w/o confirming the fix has been applied. I can’t imagine CARB, for example, not following up on this. They’re the ones who ultimately forced VW’s hand after all.

That’s your local emissions. The “official” EPA emissions testing happens on a dyno under specific conditions driving specific cycles with sensors in the tailpipe. Usually the automakers self-certify. The EPA is not able to test every model.

Awesome and thorough reply. Well organized too - initially I’m chuckling to myself “hahah, the STEREO is problematic. Suspension bushings? Really? Bitch, I’ve owned 5 series BMWs!” Then I get to new cylinder heads. “oh”.

My go-to foreign car place actually still uses one of those sticks with ink in them (pen? I can’t recall) to write up service orders. In any case, you just assume it hasn’t been touched in 10 years, inspect, and adjust offer accordingly.

If someone wants it, give it a good pre purchase inspection (with compression and leakdown tests) and a timing belt afterwards. The older cars are dirt simple compared to the modern ones.

You can do an old Mondial timing belt on jackstands in your garage. The engine doesn’t have to come out.

Friend of mine has an ‘81 and I love it. Sounds really cool and great eye candy. No idea what the market is but I’m giving it NP anyway.

I see a couple circuit boards and an LED display. Basically exactly what I’d expect for a kid’s homebrew digital clock. Where is the “bomb” part of that? Who the hell would put a big LED display on an ACTUAL bomb that’s not on TV?

My buddy test drove a Quattroporte and a Bentley sedan of some kind (big, fast) before ending up with a CTS-V. The Maserati was pretty damn fun but the tiny trunk was the deal killer for him. That, and he was still traumatized from his E60 M5 and thought the Cadi would be less trouble.

Fair enough (my own newest car is 11 years old), but I was only addressing SVTRaptor’s incorrect concern with 1/2 capacity in “a few years”.