MFEJAL grey because who knows...

thanks! didn’t know you can set a reminder now on youtube

Super 8.

GB is not the only buyer for EU products. I think the loser side is at the island.

Yup. I used mine to tow a 3500lb trailer across Texas during the summer, with zero problems, at 70mph.

Now playing

That whistle is music to my ears...I love you, straight gears.

Can you tell me like why I should not work at a dealership as salesman? and why I should? Thanks.

Injuries reported, Tom. You risk coming to the gray.

Oil reacted as expected. Changing almost nothing. $47,30 is still very low, and Saudi Arabia must be wondering why they throw a boomerang and it hit them hard on its way back.

Very nice photos.

I have the solution for those cars! proven by thousands of other police depts around the country!

They killed the cameraman after this, right? if not, seppuku is a good option for him.

When any politician can talk about feelings and win followers, it is time to accept that we’re pretty screwed. That’s what I feel :-)

5th gear: with the new 5G coming, not only interconected vehicles are going to be a reality, but 5G will also be the cable and satellite tv death sentence. We will buy directly from the source (Discovery Networks, Fox Network, Universal, etc) and have our channels everywhere.

Thank you for ruining my coin collection future with your science. Thermal treatment for all? Where to find scientific info about microbial corrosion on coins and paper money? I love the subject and I bet there’s someone somewhere studying it.

NP! Je t’adore, Peugeot, y’all.

Pressing charges against the tow guy as perpetrator and the grocer’s manager as instigator can be much funnier than confrontation on the streets. Me like cuffs for stupids.

When your last name is Trueno (Thunder in spanish) you MUST be some kind of superhero.