Same time by Ari Vatanen with the Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 II.
Same time by Ari Vatanen with the Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 II.
Batshit crazy. Can’t believe he said that.
Why canned tomatoes? can you chop? please, laziness in a can.
Son, I’m old enough to remember the times where your car was build to last forever.
A pristine one costs close to 9K. Why this owner believes somebody can pay more than 11K on top of the value for this car?
When you are rejected by your own daughter, you need to realize you are absolutely fucking wrong. Trump/Giuliani Don’t you ever go in the winter.
Lesson #1) wearing an open helmet and gloves does NOT make you a better driver. You still suck. Drive accordingly.
No, no, no and no. Nope.
Kristen, this is a warning. Stop posting porn here. You’ll end up in the grey, like me.
Hey! I used it like 5 times in the last 6 years! From Harlingen to Dallas you take 130 and avoid San Antonio and Austin! And you can even see Circuit of the Americas! undulated, x-pensive, but I like it.
How can we be the most powerful country in the world being inhabited by at least 30% of insane people?
I laugh and puke at the same time.
Why he’s wearing gloves? it is cold where he is?
He will vote to make America great again.
This is very sad. Really, guys. This is absolutely sad.
Be a man. Be though. Be powerful. Be above the rest. Be respected. Buy a pickup truck. With wonderful insured torque ratios and endless blinking fluid refills at your local dealership. Because you deserve more. No matter if you don’t own your house, and you are living in a trailer with 7 other strangers. Buy a pickup…
No Hydrogen? no renewable fuels, like ethanol, biodiesel, etc? What is wrong with you, Germany?
I sent an email to Toyota Corp, and asked a hispanic sponsor if they support Mr Wayne’s views. Crossing my fingers for an answer.