You have a very valid point. I recommend this as a must for any driver.
You have a very valid point. I recommend this as a must for any driver.
Cables, wires, ropes, you name it.
I use to teach people how to drive, so yes, I know a thing or two about heel&toe. Useless in daily normal driving.
DON’T MAKE THE CLUTCH SLIP!!! learn how to release it in first and then shift normally. Your vehicle (if it is not a big commercial truck) has synchronized gears, no need to double clutch or heel&toe under normal driving.
What to expect from Spain, the motherland for all South American dumpsters.
You’re allowed to drive at 35mph on the highway on the left lane while carrying a ladder on the roof tied with shoelaces.
If you (author) think this video is NSFW you are a fucking sicko. Get help.
New Yorkers can teach these kids a thing or two about danger.
Heard the same here. Looks like he doesn’t have a “friend” in DC
MDQ55, a fuel magnetizer claiming 20% reduction in fuel consumption, cleaner injectors, and longer engine life.
That LEO deserves some credit here. He accepted his guilt, instead of reaching peak power-trip the second he was pulled over. And for the guy who pulled him over, you are absolutely fucking nuts, and I love you.
Do you crash against a wall at 45mph to test your airbag, seat belt and structure?
Deep fried beef empanadas
That Panamera is inside a container, about to leave Galveston. Go check them, the eleven gazillion containers leaving port LOL.
Sorry, but nope. If you don’t understand why, you have no empathy.
Got it. Now tell us how much you hate Mercedes Benz.
Tech data bout the Zero claims 520 hp (five hundred and twenty horsepower) and 476 FT. LBS of torque.
La Policia is spanish. Brazil has a different language. TMYK