She didn’t recant her statement, while being cross examined by the defense lawyer she said under oath that she lied and that it didn’t happen. Which would make him the actual victim.
She didn’t recant her statement, while being cross examined by the defense lawyer she said under oath that she lied and that it didn’t happen. Which would make him the actual victim.
Good taste is the true victim.
“Prosecutors stood by their case, telling Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Nona Klippen that she should let the case continue.”
It’s not a fully inaccurate moniker. Though I guess you could change it to “Slightly less so than Trump but still crooked Hillary.”
I never said it was a good method but a lot of antics are somewhat calculated to draw as much attention to himself as possible. If he trashed Trump he would be one of many people doing so, but supporting Trump has become a national story. Him and Donald Trump are basically the same person in that way.
Yes, he was speaking metaphorically and then you metaphorically tried to cut his tongue. “Kanye West deserves to be shunned.”
Isn’t it obvious that he has a “manic episode” whenever he has a new record being released?
It’s always Florida, if the headline didn’t say Florida I would have bet everything I own that it was a Florida man.
Or the one at Berkeley, oh wait, that was liberal counter-protesters attacking a right wing rally that didn’t include a single Nazi. Right Wing Fascism vs Left Wing Fascism, Both sides of you fucking morons are in the same sinking boat.
Conservative gun-guy checking in to say thank you liberals for driving away moderate voters in droves by being PC speech police.
It might turn out that he is autistic. Then you would end up as a story on CNN for bullying him..
I don’t know, all I know is that out of all the intelligent species in the universe humans have to be somewhere near the bottom, if not dead last. We have pure evil and then people who can be brainwashed by the pure evil to such a degree that they are willing to commit murder, suicide, give up their children and be…
The sad part is the driver died because of that idiot.
Expand your circle of friends beyond Liberal snowflakes.
I think I just overdosed from the amount of virtue signalling I just got hit with.
I guarantee only white people are outraged by this, while Koreans probably don’t give a shit.
I know, saying this is racist implies having eyes shaped like that is a negative, which is way more offensive and racist.
Or go a day without white people getting outraged on the behalf of other races for the most tame and inane crap.