I don’t think you said head enough.
I don’t think you said head enough.
Liberals suck at comedy too, they feel all jokes should be run through a moderator to make sure there is no chance a single minority group might feel even the slightest bit offended because apparently that’s equality.
Except that this is a name of the town someone lives and has zero relation to the N word.
You might have a point if they found any guns in his possession but they didn’t so shut up.
The reality is that life on Earth most likely only exists because at some point it was contaminated by something from somewhere else during a comet or asteroid impact. So you can’t really worry all that much about it because you never know, that Tesla hitting a planet might introduce the needed catalysts for…
I’m suing you because I choked on a piece of apple from laughing at your amazing comment.
Are you just stupid or trolling? Part of freedom of expression and freedom of the press gives ESPN every right to change stories or headlines for any reason.
Why are people that vote acting high and mighty? You all voted and the two candidates were Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. A pile of garbage and a slightly worse smelling pile of garbage.
“….I have solved this political dilemma in a very direct way: I don’t vote. On Election Day, I stay home. I firmly believe that if you vote, you have no right to complain.” - George Carlin
He isn’t saying you aren’t allowed to do that, but more that you are an ignorant asshole if you do.
You compared calling a country a shithole to a mass shooting that killed 49 people. You really are playing the part of ignorant negro quite well.
As someone who is a fan of Tyler1 and was watching his stream, if he hadn’t been streaming I wouldn’t have been watching or donating to GDQ anyway as I don’t find it particularly interesting.
I’d assume one of them saw the pool cue and said “You thinking what I’m thinking?” “Yeaaaah”
“Can we equate Uber users to sweatshop supporters?”
How exactly is using Uber going to cost someone more money down the line?
Logic has no place in HOA neighborhoods.
Whenever a mass killing happens blogs on this platform and every news network all run constant updates about whoever the killer was, posting their name, pictures, what they had for breakfast. And giving mass murderers publicity actually causes more of them to happen. Filming a dead body in a suicide forest doesn’t…
And here you are doing what you are telling people not to do, you fucking stupid fuck.
Being a massive tool and getting shit on for defending greedy actions of the owners is the entire job description for any sports league commissioner.
Ajit Pai is an ass but the video wasn’t that bad, they knew the references were out of date since the premise was “you can drive memes right into the ground.”