
We probably shouldn’t even bring up the fact that they died and just report that they have gone to live on a farm upstate.

“Why do white people want to use the word so bad?”

“If there were no consequences for running somebody over while driving drunk, every asshole would drive drunk every weekend.”

If more than 30 people actually saw that movie it might have.

Ed Buck offered money in exchange for watching them get high on meth while he masturbates.

This might have just been a tribute to Sonny Bono.

All the women who took their shirts off during the Free the Nipple protests sexually assaulted my children and I.

Considering the founders were syphilis infected slave owners the country started a few cards short of a deck.

No one ever said enroll them into college instead of jail after they get convicted of a crime, the point was paying for college might allow someone the opportunity to be in a position to not commit the crime. I wasn’t being a dick, I was pointing out that you missed the point completely, then commented on what you

You aren’t following his logic, he was saying the government paying for college can give someone a chance to become a productive member of the workforce before they do something where they wind up in prison. Your blanket statement that “they would have flunked out of the first semester.” is quite ignorant. Of course

So you don’t condone violence except for the times that you do.

Not shocking from a country so lacking in morals that they call ham bacon.

He really is full of it, I think a good example is Tim Tebow, whose skill set made him one of the best College QBs ever but didn’t translate to NFL success. How much has Florida made off of him with jerseys and bowl appearances and how much could he have made had he been able to sign endorsement deals with national

I don’t really know what her being black has anything to do with it either. Mistreatment of people by airlines isn’t exclusive to the black community.

especially since he specifically said his family would let immigrants crossing over stay at their house for a night and he only started calling border patrol after narco-traffickers were pouring over. He never said all Mexicans are drug-traffickers but their is a percentage that are and they are some of the worst

Liberals like to selectively support freedom of speech. When Curt Schilling got fired for something he posted on twitter they said “free speech doesn’t mean consequence free” then Jemele only gets suspended.for something on Twitter “how can they punish her for something she tweeted on her personal account? I AM

Every amendment in the US constitution that guarantees the right to bear arms.

Then light the constitution on fire.

They do tell you exactly what data is being collected, how they can use it and allow people to opt out. It is all in the legal agreement you have to accept before you can buy the car.

I also see both sides, the problem I have is with the double standards applied by liberals. If someone tweets something racist and gets fired the response is “This isn’t a free speech issue, free speech doesn’t mean consequence free” then in this situation “her free speech is being violated” You can’t have it both